I’ve heard from a bunch of web developers and designers grumbling about clients who don’t want to pay up. It’s all too common to see clients demanding more work and then complaining when they get billed for it. Let’s face it, you need to protect yourself. But it’s not just about you; it’s about giving your client some peace of mind too. What you need are some solid web design contract templates. This essential document helps set clear terms that ensure you and your client both know what’s expected, paving the way for a smooth and positive working relationship.
Not every web designer can shell out big bucks for a lawyer to draft a fancy contract. That’s why I’m sharing 10 web design contract templates available for download. It’s a smart, budget-friendly solution. (Edit: this is an old revised post – some of these templates are as old as 2009 but still extremely effective) I’ve also written 10 Freelancer Contract Resources To Protect You And Your Clients which is a slightly updated version but not the exact same contracts and templates. Enjoy.
Table Of Contents
Why Do I Need a Web Design Contract
Why bother with a web design contract? There are plenty of reasons. If you’re worried your clients might shy away from signing something official, maybe they’re not the right clients for you. Refusing to sign a fair agreement that protects both parties can be a red flag, hinting they might not have the best intentions.
Think about it: do builders work without contracts when constructing houses? Nope. Everyone wants fair payment for their efforts. Building a website is similar, just without the bricks and mortar.
What A Contract Can Do
A contract ensures you get paid on time and fairly. It also guarantees the client’s project gets done promptly. But remember, a contract shouldn’t just benefit you; it should keep your clients happy too.
1. Letter of Agreement
This agreement here is a quick, short letter of agreement that needs to be signed by your client before you begin their project.

2. Contract Killer
Download the “Contract Killer”. This is a popular open-source contract for web designers and developers.

3. How to Create a Freelancing Contract
This Wiki article shows you how to create a freelancing web design contract and provides you with a sample document for download.

4. Good Contract for Web Designers
This is a very simple contract that gets its point across, and is easy for your client to quickly scan and sign.

5. Simple Web Design Contract
Here is another simple web design contract from Signwell. Two simple, easy to understand and customize, contract templates.

6. How To Spot A Sketchy Client (Plus A Contract Template)
This here is a great article on how to spot a sketchy client, plus an open office contract template available for download.

7. AIGA Standard Form of Agreement for Design Services
The link here directs you to a standard form of agreement, for any type of design services. This agreement allows you to create customized terms and conditions for any type of design work.

8. Business Templates
Here you can find several business templates for design related businesses.

9. The Shane & Peter Inc. Contract
Another simple web design contract template. This is more a long of the lines of proposal, but simple yet effective contract used by a web design company.

10. Method to the Mayhem
In this article you can find some brief information on what to include in your contract and a PDF example of a nice looking contract.

Very simple round up of contracts, some older some updated but super effective and would work for a variety of businesses. Sign up below for an abundance of resources for freelancers and agency owners.